Any student going to be (or thinking about) attending trade school, college or university after high school: attend financial aid night either Nov 12 or Nov 13; event is drop in from 4:00pm - 6:00pm. Both seniors and the parent that claims student on taxes needs to attend! We will start the FAFSA process and complete their SAMS (lottery scholarship). To sign up contact either Mrs. Lisa Barber or Mrs. Lynn Bray. For more information or other important dates visit:
3 months ago, Brianna Goodman
Today, sophomore students received a letter regarding taking the Accuplacer test for FREE. Please ask your student for this letter. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Lynn Bray, Career Coach, via email or call 870-201-2577 ext 4072.
3 months ago, Brianna Goodman
The Elementary Book Walk at 8:15am this morning has been moved inside due to the rain. Parents will need to go to the cafeteria to watch the walk.
3 months ago, Brianna Goodman
The Cedar Ridge High School Veterans Day Assembly will be held Monday, November 11th at 9:30am in the high school gymnasium. All area veterans and their families are invited to attend the assembly, and will have special seating on the floor. Please RSVP by filling out the form below. Following the assembly, a light brunch will held for veterans and their families. RSVP Form:
3 months ago, Brianna Goodman
The home Jr. and Sr. High football games scheduled for next Friday, November 8th against Augusta have been canceled.
3 months ago, Brianna Goodman
Reminder : School picture RETAKES will be held tomorrow, October 30th.
3 months ago, Brianna Goodman
Time Change: The Sr. High football game scheduled for tomorrow, October 24th will now start at 7:30pm. This game will be played against Guy-Perkins at Hendrix College in Conway.
3 months ago, Brianna Goodman
Order forms for Halloween Boo Grams are due this Friday, October 25th. Forms have went home with elementary and preschool students, and can also be found in all building offices. Boo Grams are $1.00 a piece.
3 months ago, Brianna Goodman
School picture retakes will be held on Wednesday, October 30th.
3 months ago, Brianna Goodman
The Sr. High volleyball team plays in the first round of the 2A East Regional Tournament at ICC tomorrow, October 22nd. They will play Piggott at 5:00pm. Get your tickets here! Click below:
3 months ago, Brianna Goodman
Reminder: There is NO SCHOOL for students Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week. Teachers will have Professional Development on Wednesday, and we will enjoy our Fall Break Thursday and Friday!
3 months ago, Brianna Goodman
School Picture Days: October 8 - Preschool, High School, Seniors October 9 - Elementary, Volleyball, Cross Country, Sr. Football, Golf (may be done on a different date due to State) October 10 - Jr. High Football, Senior Group
4 months ago, Brianna Goodman
Due to weather conditions, the Peewee home football games scheduled for tomorrow against Midland have been rescheduled to Monday, September 30th. The 3rd/4th grade game will start at 6:00pm, followed by the 5th/6th grade game.
4 months ago, Brianna Goodman
Game Added -- The Sr. High football team has added a game to their schedule. They will play at Marvell-Elaine on Friday, October 4th at 7:00pm. ONLY Sr. High will be playing.
4 months ago, Brianna Goodman
Today's home tennis match against Ridgefield Christian has been moved from 4:30pm to 4:00pm.
4 months ago, Brianna Goodman
There will be NO After School today due to Parent Teacher Conferences.
4 months ago, Brianna Goodman
Reminder - There is NO SCHOOL for students this Wednesday, September 25th.
4 months ago, Brianna Goodman
Parents/Guardians: There will be no after school on-campus activities today. This includes athletics, clubs, After School care, and tutoring. This does not include the football game as the team will still be traveling to Hermitage tonight. Thank you for understanding.
4 months ago, Brianna Goodman
In addition, we ask that parents drop students off at the front doors tomorrow morning while remaining in your vehicles. This of course only applies to car riders. If you must walk your child in, please first check in at the office. Thank you!
4 months ago, Brianna Goodman
Parents/Guardians: None of the threats reported today were directed towards the Cedar Ridge School District. We did, however, respond to the threats immediately as though they could have been directed towards our school. As of now, parents/guardians and students can expect a regular day of school tomorrow. We will have an enhanced level of security in addition to our normal level of security. This measure of security is intended to make you feel better and not worse about attending school. We do understand that it is your decision as to whether or not to send your child to school. We are proud of the actions by the faculty and staff as well as the administration and on-campus security officers. The Independence County Sheriff's office is also to be commended for offering their help and expertise. We do encourage all parents/guardians to monitor their children's social media presence. The school relies on your help. Watching the children's receiving and sending of posts is important during times like today. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the superintendent's office. It does "take a village" and we are proud of our village. Thank you.
4 months ago, Brianna Goodman